At some time when the Vizard unit is on display, there could be an area for aviation artists to display their work. For a start there would be a place and time where my own pic might earn some money and the artists could make a donation for their publicity opportunities. The society of aviation artists could perhaps promote themselves. There could be a closed session for drawing of photographers working for aviation magazines and their content would give us more publicity. Steam organisations charter photo sessions. There are a couple of lesser problems: one is the time to completed painting (take my example) and secondly, artists always have to find a means of transporting their pictures to an event and therefore insurance may raise it's head. Modelling the Whirlwind could be another idea. 

We now need a list of other, better ideas, like contacting/visiting people who have experience in funding methods (like the railway preservation people, who've been raising enough for new build steam engines and bridge restoration, moving signal boxes and all sorts. Joining in on other events would bring in more contact with the public. Could the Whirlwind spend a month at the Royal Airforce Museums (with canopy locked) but videos/talks about Whirlwind activities. Proceeds shared between us and the host. Anyway, think outside the box. Museum of London have visitors paying to join talks normally based on videos but they could be based on artifacts. Importantly, cakes and coffee downstairs. 
Perhaps a more immediate fundraising session could be for 'modelling the Whirlwind' arranged at the museum for the model engineering brotherhood. They could purchase plans, model kits and information and take detail photographs for their own work.
For funding for the engines there appear to be a couple of approaches coming out of the mist:
one is 'whether a full size' engine could be manufactured by paying for the casting and the main problem here is the crankshaft. I don't yet know whether there is any mileage in having cranks made as if they were a car part.

Again as you've pointed out, the other approach is the Meteor which is far more affordable and might provide two running engines.   
Modelling the Whirlwind I like. Also Aviation artist and photographer sessions.

These are points I will raise with Dave Brocklehurst, as it is all his shout.

Temporarily moving the Whirlwind to other museums - well, it would always cost a lot more that it would raise!
I used to belong to the Guild of Motoring Artists: ie my wife + our taxi in a French forest in the 70's. We still have the cab.

but there is also a Guild of Aviation Artists I believe. I'll make enquiries. Also I'll ask if anyone at SMEE (society of model and experimental engineers) is interested in modelling the Whirlwind.

I'm waiting to hear from the RAF museum re drawings/castings, etc.. and am hoping to arrange a meeting at the Battle of Britain Museum when the engine possibilities and funding can be addressed. I will not forget the safety aspect.
Still working on this. Will post result.
Hi Steve , 
               Good evening . The engine is complete except one gear from the reduction gearbox that is missing . It is in very good condition and was dismantled to be overhauled . The owner is an engine collector , he has an incredible collection of engines and his focus is the American Golden Era but sometimes he buys other engines . This one doesn´t fit his collection but he sent it to be overhauled (all his engines are ready to run) but the workshop closed down when the engine was cleaned and ready to begin the process . Then it was carefully packaged in individual packages and was taken back to his warehouse . The problem is the pictures that only show the crankcase and pallets with parts . There is also a picture of the ID plate and also the hub . 
The price is $85000 . It is with the accessories ! 
I hope you like it .
Kind regards 
Ricardo Birsa   
US1 Exports
Website : www.us1exports.com
Alberti 857 (1642) San IsidroBuenos Aires , Argentina 011-549-1-1-4970-9177 (Whatsapp) us1exports@gmail.com

There is another picture of the basic engine but this would not download due to some error